Presenting the Food Edition. Truthfully I don’t have editions but I’ve always wanted to say that. Switching it from Read & Make to inspire you with Read & Eat through these delicious picture books.

A lot, but not all these books have real recipes you can make togther. Some may be familar, many which I have posted over here. I couldn’t find our copy of Pancakes! Pancakes! by Eric Carle but it’s a great edition to picture books that feature food.

images from Lunch 10 Pomegranate Street

The graphic novel lover in our home received Let’s Make Ramen! as a gift. An Absolute must-have for ramen lovers or appreciators of illustrated instructions. You won’t find this in the children’s book section but readers old enough to help in the kitchen will have a lot of fun learning about this delicious Japanese dish.
The Sandwich Thief can be found in the children’s book section, an exciting graphic novel for ages 5 to 8 that will make your mouth water. This one doesn’t include recipes, but the sandwiches in Martin’s lunchbox are sure to inspire your own.

Others books can inspire snacks, like having toast and mint tea in Leo: A Ghost Story or choosing what to eat from the beautiful scenes in Frankie’s Favorite Food.

image from The Bad Mood and the Stick
For the smaller food connoisseur, I preset Yum Yummy Yuck , an adorable book by Amanda Jane Jones that reminds us, some things, like crayons only look yummy.

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