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Epigram – The Lost Art


The lost art of mail meets bookish adventures for kids around the world! These aren’t just any letters, readers will be excited to receive a themed letter each month. Full of things of the Secret Society kind – like maps, secret codes, and activities- each has a prompted mail-back correspondence and reading suggestions so the adventures can keep going until your next letter arrives! Fostering a love of reading this monthly of subscription magical mail will keep young readers curious and engaged.

Endless adventure and fun.

What’s Inside

A letter writing society for the curious and bookish minded.

Themed letter

Prompted correspondence

Secret things ( maps, messages, activities )

Official Membership

Related reading recommendations from the library of Secret Society of Books

Endless adventure and fun


Personalized Letters

A personal letter is sent to your child from Bea. Bea lives on her own island in an abandoned lighthouse surrounded by books and nature. Bea pulls from her extensive library to create themes that will keep kids reading and writing.

Secret Activities

Each letter has an engaging activity that is designed around the month’s theme from maps, field guides to decoding messages. The prompted mail back card also includes a written or creative prompt.

Curated Reading Lists

Each month’s theme is carefully chosen with books in mind. The book lists are picture books and middle grade novels designing on the age of the reader. The book list helps readers learn more about the theme, build a great, library and keep the adventure going until the next letter arrives.

Get to the Root of it

What’s included?
A themed letter
Prompted correspondence
Fun activities
Official Membership
Related reading recommendations

What ages is the subscription appropriate for?
Bookish mail correspondence subscription recommended for kids age 6 – 12.
Reading suggestion are in two groups:
6-8 picture book 8- 12 middle grade
Families with mixed ages can request both.

Can I buy more than one month subscription?
Yes! You can sign up for a subscription and it will automatically renew each month.

When will my letters by delivered?
All letters are mailed 7 business days after the last day of the month. If you signed up anytime in May, your first letter will go out about 7 business days after May 31st. You’ll receive an email notice on the day it’s sent.
Estimated Delivery Times
US – 2 to 10 business days
Canada – 5 to 12 business days
Rest of World – 2 to 4 weeks