Mothers come in all forms and while these inspirational ladies are from pages in books their unconditional love and imperfections remind us what motherhood is all about.

Some motherly women in our lives have white hair, have lived a million lives, and were mothers to our mothers. These women offer us patience, wisdom, and endless love.
(The Last Stop on Market Street, Birdsong, Julian is a Mermaid, Thank You Omu, Joy,)
We can’t forget Molly Weasly and Charlotte who step in and offer guidance and motherly love to those who are motherless.

“Look at that tree growing up there out of that grating. It gets no sun, and water only when it rains. It’s growing out of sour earth. And it’s strong because its hard struggle to live is making it strong. My children will be strong that way.” – Katie Rommely Nolan from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Books that remind us of the many mothers that have moved lives to give their children a better future.

(The Girl and the Dress, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn)
The fierce mother’s heart of Isabel Pullman in Wonder is a tribute to the mother’s out there advocating for their children every day!

I’m a fan of Max’s mother, but she was considered so bad that she got Where the Wild Things Are banned in the south. What terrible mother would send her child to bed with no food? Today, we would call that a time out! I think those readers must not have read the end because ” he found his supper waiting for him ….and it was still hot.”

There are so many more but I’m going to give a shout out to the mom in The Bad Mood and the Stick because I can relate, haven’t we all had those days? In the end, we buy the ice cream.
Happy Mother’s Day! Tell me some of your favorite literary mothers here.
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