Meg and Greg are off on a series of summer adventures around their neighborhood, along with some four-legged companions. The two friends pull off a bake sale despite back-to-back disasters in the preparations, save the day for Greg’s mom when her ballet studio floods, rescue the neighbor’s dog after he slips down a slope into a cove, and discover a lost cat with newborn kittens sheltering in a dangerous spot in the garden.
Meg and Greg: The Bake Sale is the third book in the Meg and Greg series designed for shared reading between a child learning to read or struggling to read and an experienced reader, following Frank and the Skunk and A Duck in a Sock. Inside you’ll find four stories that introduce one new phonogram (a letter or combination of letters that represent a sound) in each story. This book focuses on the “magic e“: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, and u-e phonograms. The stories have special features to help a child with dyslexia or another language-based learning difficulty find reading success.